Our love story started in March 2018 – that’s if you don’t count the previous times Teni called me pretending to
need work help. She had sent me a chat to ask if I knew anyone that bears Teni other than her since I had used
her as my muse in a poem I had written for a Consulting firm we worked for in Lagos. Any sharp guy knows the
answer to that question is definitely not a ‘Yes’ 😂😂. Conversations led to conversations and I told her she was
indeed my muse. I guess it did the trick because what followed was three months of constant, non-stop,
eyes-open to eyes-closed chats and texts. We talked like we were kids, laughed like we had no worries and used
up all the butterflies allocated to Mainland, Lagos.
Our friendship grew stronger and deeper and soon we realised what we had was more than friendship and took it up a notch. Years passed, and we’ve loved each other and looked out for each other. We’ve built our relationship on trust and the fact that we are our persons. Teni for Arthur and Arthur for Teni – that’s our creed; we will always be each other’s person. It’s been a whirlwind of love, friendship and romance since that text““There’s something about those eyes” was what I muttered to myself the first time I saw Teni. She was calm, her gait was smooth and she had a cute naïveté to her demeanour. Still, her eyes were the hallmark, I couldn’t get them off my mind even if I wanted to.”
Arthur- Groom

Fast forward to August 2021, I changed jobs and relocated to London. Barely 6 months after, she moved to same
location for work too, and it was like we were never apart.
The proposal came during a trip to Antalya with some friends in August 2022, we had an all-white yatch party and
I proposed to the love of my entire existence. She said ‘Yes’ – after asking repeatedly if I told her mummy.
We are grateful for every path that has led us here, everything has fallen into place and God has been taking
care of us. Now, we are incredibly excited to spend the rest of our lives together and be known as Di na Nwunye,
Oko ati Iyawo, Husband and Wife😁 Teni & Arthur or as you may prefer